Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Orange Crush (Work in Progress)

One of my favorite colors is orange and if you stop by my house you'll see the proof.  I don't paint the walls, but I have splashes of orange here and there in candles, flowers and -of course- pillows.

When I saw the orange octopus quilt block available from Tuesday Rose on Etsy, well...I sent for it immediately. And now I am creating a beaded pillow of an Orange Octopus with whom I've aready developed a crush. He's very sweet and bright and colorful; and apparently he's spoken for because dangling from one tentacle is a pretty diamond ring (soon to be beaded) for his lady friend.


C... said...

OOh nice! I love that orange octopus! Are you selling it?

The Beaded Pillow said...

Hi C - Yes Orange Octopus will be for sale ($50.00) in my Etsy shop soon. Would you like to reserve him?

Della said...

OMG I love him!

The Beaded Pillow said...

Thank you, Della. I just purchased the most gorgeous shade of blue crystal seed beads for the fish! Stay tuned for updates...