Friday, November 2, 2012

Little Dog, Big Mission

You may have read past posts about my late 4-legged friend Nick the Maltese. Ask anybody who knew him, he was the BEST little dog in the world. I miss him every day but am happy to say he's still doing his doggie best to be a good little canine...and he's on a mission!

At this point I must thank two special people: Melody Lea Lamb fab artist and Inspired by Ian Ian for making Nikky's mission possible. From my favorite photograph of Nick, Melody lovingly painted an ACEO (Art Cards, Editions and Originals) and had it printed onto fabric, which I then made into a pillow and beaded.

Beaded Pillow and Melody's ACEO
 Now this unique little pillow is available for sale on Ebay Nikky's mission in order to raise funds for  furry and feathered friends who may one day need the services of a very special house ~ here 

I'm asking you to take a few moments to learn more about the good works being done at Inspired by Ian, including Salvatore's Boarding House, and check out the Ebay auction that can help. Please share this information with your friends.

Thank you!!