Sunday, May 15, 2011

The Tortoise & the Hare WIP

My current work-in-progress is once again on fabric from Tuesday Rose. This one is The Tortoise & the Hare...or perhaps I should call it the Blue Bird of Happiness. It's a fun pillow with lots of bright colors.

This cool pillow should be completed and listed in my Etsy shop by the end of this week.

On a side note: My wonderful hubby has put desktop speakers in my craft room so I no longer have to have earpods to listen to my stories while I work.....Yay! Hopefully my "swimmer's ear" will disappear soon.


Unknown said...

Oh what a great print! your work is always impeccable. I love the colors of the fabric and the colors of your beads- brings it to life.

The Beaded Pillow said...

Thank you, Venetia - high praise indeeed!