Thursday, July 28, 2011

Off the Beaded Path

With this post I venture into different territory; promoting a new book, The Night of Many Lights, by Christine Lindemer.

A couple years ago I shared a photo on this blog of the weathervane planted firmly in my back rock garden. I’ve wondered at times if it wouldn’t rather be on a rooftop somewhere with a better view. Do weathervane’s care about such things? Perhaps.  About a year ago, atop an old barn in New England, I saw the weathervane featured in The Night of Many Lights. This delightful book is a treat for the imagination and I encourage you to give it a look, especially if you have children. They’ll adore the clever narrative, endearing characters and beautiful illustrations by Laura Redmond…

Ne-Pah-Win, a Native American weather vane, is magically awoken from 100 years of sleep and is freed and transformed for a nighttime flying adventure. New friends are found on other barn rooftops, and together they fly far and wide in all four weather vane directions.

 C.R. (Christine) Lindemer grew up in the Midwest - on a dairy farm an hour west of Minneapolis, Minnesota.
She has authored two children's picture books published by Shapato Publishing.

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