Sunday, December 30, 2012

I Resolve to...

Remember my post from about a year ago? The one where I talked about getting unfinished projects done...something about a New Year's resolution....yeah...well, I finished them. Then I started more. Then I finished those. But as you know, there are always projects going on in our craft rooms. I walked into mine this morning and realized I am in the same boat as last year! And I felt a little twinge of guilt.

I began work on another very detailed peacock pillow. When a friend saw it she said "I'll buy that when you're done with it!" Fantastic. But now this friend is a snowbird. She's gone south until April. I immediately became bored sewing turquoise seed beads and gold pearls onto peacock feathers. That pillow's on the shelf in the closet....I have all winter, right?

And Hoot. He's a nice owl, but I'm not quite sure where I'm going with him yet so he gets set to the side.

Before Hoot there was Sun Fish. As you can see, Sun's almost (almost) completely beaded. Fish is another story.

I bought some new fabric the week before Christmas. Very pretty fabric for Valentine's. And it was calling my name yesterday. So I left Hoot again and whipped up some pillows for beading; aren't they pretty? I'm really excited to stuff and bead them!

This year's Resolution is going to be different. No more twinges of guilt! I'm my own boss. It's my craft room, they're my projects and they'll get done when I finish them. This year I resolve to lighten up! How about you?


Della said...

I think lightening up is a great idea!

Happy New Year Karen!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I love the pillows in your shop. I just looked and you really have some beautiful winter designs!