Tuesday, November 29, 2011

That New Little Shop with the Funny Name

Those of you familiar with downtown Rochester, MN know that there is a world of shopping down below. For those of you who've never been ~ there is a maze of walking subways under the Mayo Clinic, Kahler Hotel, Marriott and Gonda: Restaurants, banks, boutiques, candy shops, clothing and luggage stores, souvenir shops and Scrub Your Butt Soap Co. Uh huh...You read that correctly.

I am so pleased The Beaded Pillow is part of this unique store. Owner, Crystal Merkel, says there is no other shop like it in Rochester.

SYBS Co. features a variety of line of hand-made products from soaps and lotions to jewelry, bags, linens, toys, clothing and beaded pillows.

Pillows and tea towels and bags, oh my!
It may be tiny, just 165 square feet, but this little subway shop is packed with a wonderful array of inspired products, many from local Etsians.

People from around the world are discovering that quality versus quantity is defined at SYBS Co. On the day I took these photos I met customers from Sri Lanka and Saudi Arabia.

Whether you live in the area or are planning a visit, make sure you come down below and check out the subway's newest little shop with the funny name.

Body wash anyone?
The shelves afre brimming at SYBS Co.
The Beaded Pillow shares space with locally made pottery and mosaics.
Open for business!